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Bases: Exception

The base exception of the library. Most Exceptions inherit from this exception.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

Raised when a ceartin resource, such as an experience, user, group, or data store could not be found.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

The API key, or OAuth2 access token is invalid because it either isn't valid, used on an unauthorized IP address, doesn't have access to the requested API, or has been invalidated.

Not to be confused with rblxopencloud.PermissionDenied


Bases: InvalidKey

The API key, or OAuth2 access token has access to the API, but not the resource, such as trying to access a private inventory.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

You have exceeded an API's rate limit.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

Roblox's servers have either encountered an internal error, or are experiencing downtime.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

A DataStore precondition failed such as the entry already existing when exclusive_create is True.


Name Type Description
value Optional[Union[str, dict, list, int, float]]

The current value of the entry, only present for data store methods, not ordered data store methods.

info Optional[EntryInfo]

The metadata of the current value, only present for data store methods, not ordered data store methods.


Bases: InvalidKey

When authorized for OAuth2, it indicates a required scope for this action is missing.


Name Type Description
required_scope str

The required scope to complete this action.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

Roblox could not accept the Asset you attempted to upload, most likely because it's either an unsupported type, uploaded as the wrong rblxopencloud.AssetType, or has been corrupted.


Bases: InvalidKey

The code used in OAuth2App.exchange_code is either invalid, or has already been used.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

The text you provided was moderated by the text filter.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

The event type recieved from the webhook is unknown. This is most likely due to an outdated library.


Bases: rblx_opencloudException

The event type recieved from the webhook does not have a handler.